Category: VDO Milestone 2


Permanent-Like Quality

When performing frozen sections, pathologists often embed extremely delicate tissues, such as the intricate honeycomb structures found in breast or fatty lymph nodes. Frozen sectioning usually gives poor results, as the water within the tissue creates ice crystals that enlarge and deform the cellular structure and morphology of the tissue.
Milestone’s groundbreaking and ultra-fast freezing technology, enabled by its patented “face-down embedding” technique, provides an innovative and rapid solution to this challenge.

Ultra Freezing Technology

Lymph node stained frozen sections by Milestone's Presto system

Lymph node

The temperature of -40°C allows for extremely quick freezing, eliminating:
  •  freezing artifacts
  •  the creation of ice crystals
  •  the compression of tissue structure caused by extremely low temperatures
  •  the retraction of tissues

“Face-Down Embedding” Technique

Perfectly “flat plane” surface by PrestoCHILL freezing

Milestone’s patented technology permits the direct contact of the sample with the cold metal, giving the fastest freezing possible. This allows the user to achieve perfectly “flat plane” surfaces, reducing trimming time and creating frozen sections that can be easily cut.

 Time Savings

PrestoCHILL freezes tissues in seconds. The system can freeze six biospecimens simultaneously in just 30 seconds.
The freezing workflow is further enhanced using Milestone’s Cryoembedding Compound (MCC), a proprietary solution which has been specifically developed for optimal support during cryotomy. MCC has been specially formulated with a lower viscosity that flows easily into the cryomolds and improves adhesion to the chuck.

Safe & Environmentally Friendly

The technologically advanced Stirling chiller uses helium gas as a refrigerant in a hermetically sealed stainless-steel chamber. Also, the innovative face-down embedding technique eliminates the need for a conventional compressor, resulting in the elimination of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and the use of liquid nitrogen, CO2 and isopentane.
Moreover, an integrated HEPA filter enhances the system, and the antimicrobial powder coating actively protects against microbial growth and makes cleaning simple.

 Smart User Interface

The smart user interface allows users to effortlessly set and customize the freezing process parameters according to their specific needs. Easy to use and highly intuitive, the software provides a straightforward experience.
The USB port allows event logs to be downloaded for complete process documentation.

 High Flexibility

PrestoCHILL ensures standardized freezing at -40°C for a large variety of tissues, including those that are most difficult to section in the cryostat, such as breast and lymph nodes.
PrestoCHILL molds are available in different sizes and designs to adapt the freezing workflow to different chucks and tissue sizes.

30 January 2025

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